Grating1D: most important functions

Most important functions

 Grating1D::Grating (int truncation, int layers, int nSegments)
 Grating1D::~Grating ()
void Grating1D::setParameters (double, double, double, complex< double >, complex< double >, complex< double >, double, Vector< complex< double > >, string)
 set various parameters in grating needed for the calculations
void Grating1D::initLayers (string, string, string)
 initialise the grating layers from a file
void Grating1D::initLayers (F_Matrix< int >, Vector< double >, string)
 initialise the layers with an array of material numbers
void Grating1D::initLayers (F_Matrix< complex< double > >, Vector< double >)
 initialise the layers with an array of complex indices
void Grating1D::solve (string)
 solve the grating after having solved the eigenvalue equations of each layer
void Grating1D::calcIntField (int, int)
 if solved by T-Matrix approach: calculate the internal field
void Grating1D::calcExtField (int, int, double, double, double)
 calculate the external field
void Grating1D::calcEmbField (int, int, double, double, double)
 calculate the external field after using the field stitching technique (absorbing padding)
complex< double > Grating1D::getIntField (double, double)
 calculate the field at a certain point
complex< double > Grating1D::getExtField (double, double)
 calculate the external transmitted field at a certain point
complex< double > Grating1D::getEmbExtField (double, double)
 calculate the external field form the Fourier coefficients obtained with the field stitching method
void Grating1D::writeField (string)
 write the Field amplitudes to a file
void Grating1D::calcTransEmb (double embSize, int embOrd)
 calculate the transmission coefficients from the original ones in an absorbing embedding (0 transmission) using the field stitching technique
double Grating1D::getEfficiencyR (int)
 efficiencies of the reflected modes
double Grating1D::getEfficiencyT (int)
 efficiencies of the transmitted modes
complex< double > Grating1D::getTrans (int)
 transmision modes
complex< double > Grating1D::getRef (int)
 reflected modes
void Grating1D::calcIncid (Vector< complex< double > >, int)
 calculate the Fourier orders of a field distribution (currently not working)
void Grating1D::changeRefInd (int, int, complex< double >)
 set the refractive index of one pixel of the grating
void Grating1D::changeMaterial (int slab, int segment, int mat)
 set the material of one pixel of the grating
void Grating1D::addFrame (complex< double >, double)
 add an additional frame to the grating
void Grating1D::writeParameters (string)
 write most parameters to a file

Function Documentation

void Grating1D::addFrame ( complex< double >  ind,
double  frame 
) [inherited]

add an additional frame to the grating

This function adds an additional frame to the grating with a certain refractive index. This can be used to test the effect of the periodic bouindary conditions. The grating size remains the same, the period increases by a specified size.

ind the refractive index of the frame
frame the size of the frame added to both sides of the grating [LU]

Definition at line 399 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::gratingSize, Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::lambda, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::material, Grating1D::n0, Grating1D::nLayers, Grating1D::nPad, Grating1D::nPermSegs, Grating1D::padding, Grating1D::period, Grating1D::polMode, Grating1D::setnPermSegs(), Grating1D::setParameters(), Grating1D::setPeriod(), Grating1D::slabThick, Grating1D::theta, and Grating1D::transpt.

void Grating1D::calcEmbField ( int  X,
int  Y,
double  propBehind,
double  start = 0.,
double  stop = 1. 
) [inherited]

calculate the external field after using the field stitching technique (absorbing padding)

X # pixels in X
Y # pixels in Y
propBehind propagation depth
start starting point on the left side (0-> most left point of the grating (including padding and embedding), 1-> most right point of the grating (including padding and embedding) )
stop stop point on the right side (as start)

Definition at line 1012 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::dimX, Grating1D::dimY, Grating1D::fieldAmplitude, Grating1D::getEmbExtField(), and norm().

void Grating1D::calcExtField ( int  X,
int  Y,
double  propBehind,
double  start = 0.,
double  stop = 1. 
) [inherited]

calculate the external field

X # pixels in X
Y # pixels in Y
propBehind propagation depth
start starting point on the left side (0-> most left point of the grating (including padding and embedding), 1-> most right point of the grating (including padding and embedding) )
stop stop point on the right side (as number 4)

Definition at line 987 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::dimX, Grating1D::dimY, Grating1D::fieldAmplitude, Grating1D::getExtField(), norm(), Grating1D::period, Grating1D::plotSize, and Grating1D::propAfter.

void Grating1D::calcIncid ( Vector< complex< double > >  field,
int  dim 
) [inherited]

calculate the Fourier orders of a field distribution (currently not working)

Definition at line 235 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References abs(), Grating1D::I, Grating1D::incid, and Grating1D::period.

void Grating1D::calcIntField ( int  X,
int  Y 
) [inherited]

if solved by T-Matrix approach: calculate the internal field

X position X in fraction of the grating size
Y position Y in length units

Definition at line 958 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References abs(), Grating1D::calcGamma(), Grating1D::dimX, Grating1D::dimY, Grating1D::fieldAmplitude, Grating1D::getIntField(), Grating1D::layer, and Grating1D::nLayers.

void Grating1D::calcTransEmb ( double  embSize,
int  embOrd 
) [inherited]

calculate the transmission coefficients from the original ones in an absorbing embedding (0 transmission) using the field stitching technique

embSize embedding size
embOrd number of Fourier orders

Definition at line 1103 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::embedding, Grating1D::embPeriod, Grating1D::gamma, Grating1D::gammaEmb, Grating1D::gratingSize, Grating1D::I, imag(), Grating1D::lambda, Grating1D::n0, Grating1D::n3, Grating1D::nOrdsEmb, Grating1D::period, real(), Grating1D::tEmb, Grating1D::theta, Grating1D::tran, Grating1D::TransEmb, and Grating1D::zb.

void Grating1D::changeMaterial ( int  slab,
int  segment,
int  mat 
) [inherited]

set the material of one pixel of the grating

This function changes the material in the grating as well as in the layers. Only the cahnged layer needs to be recalculated before solving the new boundary conditions

slab the layer of the changed pixel
segment the segment in the layer
mat the new material

Definition at line 388 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::material, Grating1D::nPadSegs, and Grating1D::refIndMat.

void Grating1D::changeRefInd ( int  slab,
int  segment,
complex< double >  ind 
) [inherited]

set the refractive index of one pixel of the grating

This function changes the refractive index in the grating as well as in the layers. Only the cahnged layer needs to be recalculated before solving the new boundary conditions

slab the layer of the changed pixel
segment the segment in the layer
ind the new refractive index

Definition at line 377 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::layer, and Grating1D::nPadSegs.

double Grating1D::getEfficiencyR ( int  i  )  [inherited]

efficiencies of the reflected modes

Definition at line 182 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::rEFF.

Referenced by Grating1D::writeParameters().

double Grating1D::getEfficiencyT ( int  i  )  [inherited]

efficiencies of the transmitted modes

Definition at line 183 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::tEFF.

Referenced by Grating1D::writeParameters().

complex< double > Grating1D::getEmbExtField ( double  x,
double  y 
) [inherited]

calculate the external field form the Fourier coefficients obtained with the field stitching method

x x position as fraction of grating size
y y position in my
complex field at position (x,y)

Definition at line 1152 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::embPeriod, Grating1D::gammaEmb, Grating1D::I, Grating1D::nOrdsEmb, Grating1D::tEmb, and Grating1D::TransEmb.

Referenced by Grating1D::calcEmbField().

complex< double > Grating1D::getExtField ( double  x,
double  y 
) [inherited]

calculate the external transmitted field at a certain point

x x position as fraction of grating size
y y position in my
complex field at position (x,y)

Definition at line 1089 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::gamma, Grating1D::I, Grating1D::period, Grating1D::t, and Grating1D::tran.

Referenced by Grating1D::calcExtField().

complex< double > Grating1D::getIntField ( double  x,
double  y 
) [inherited]

calculate the field at a certain point

x x position as fraction of grating size
y y position as fraction of grating thickness
complex field at position (x,y)

Definition at line 1050 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::getA(), Grating1D::getAdash(), Grating1D::getGamma(), Grating1D::I, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::maxOrd, Grating1D::nLayers, and Grating1D::period.

Referenced by Grating1D::calcIntField().

complex< double > Grating1D::getRef ( int  i  )  [inherited]

reflected modes

Definition at line 185 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::refl.

complex< double > Grating1D::getTrans ( int  i  )  [inherited]

transmision modes

Definition at line 184 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::tran.

Grating1D::Grating ( int  truncation,
int  layers,
int  nSegments 
) [inherited]


void Grating1D::initLayers ( F_Matrix< complex< double > >  element,
Vector< double >  thickness 
) [inherited]

initialise the layers with an array of complex indices

Initialise the layers from a matrix conatining the refractive index distribution of the grating

element the refractive index structure of the grating (all layers)
thickness the thickness of the layers

Definition at line 353 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::gratingSegs, Grating1D::gratingSize, Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::lambda, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::n0, Grating1D::nLayers, Grating1D::nPad, Grating1D::nPermSegs, Grating1D::padding, Grating1D::period, Grating1D::polMode, Grating1D::setParameters(), Grating1D::slabThick, Grating1D::theta, and Grating1D::transpt.

void Grating1D::initLayers ( F_Matrix< int >  element,
Vector< double >  thickness,
string  matFile 
) [inherited]

initialise the layers with an array of material numbers

Initialise the layers from a Matrix containing the material numbers

element the material structure of the grating
thickness the thickness of the layers
matFile the path to the file containing the material parameters

Definition at line 332 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::importMaterials(), Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::lambda, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::n0, Grating1D::nLayers, Grating1D::nPad, Grating1D::nPadSegs, Grating1D::nPermSegs, Grating1D::period, Grating1D::polMode, Grating1D::refIndMat, Grating1D::setParameters(), Grating1D::slabThick, Grating1D::theta, and Grating1D::transpt.

void Grating1D::initLayers ( string  initfile,
string  initStyle,
string  matFile 
) [inherited]

initialise the grating layers from a file

Initialise the layers from a file containing the material numbers or refractive indices: read the structure and material file, calculate the refractive indices (if working with materials) and set all necessary parameters for each layer

initfile file containing the grating structure
initStyle "material" or "index": information about the initfile
matFile if initStyle = material: path to the file containing all material parameters

Definition at line 287 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References find_next, Grating1D::gratingSegs, Grating1D::gratingSize, Grating1D::importMaterials(), Grating1D::indices, Grating1D::lambda, Grating1D::layer, Grating1D::material, Grating1D::n0, Grating1D::nLayers, Grating1D::nPad, Grating1D::nPermSegs, Grating1D::padding, Grating1D::period, Grating1D::polMode, Grating1D::refIndMat, Grating1D::setParameters(), Grating1D::slabThick, Grating1D::theta, and Grating1D::transpt.

void Grating1D::setParameters ( double  theta,
double  lambda,
double  size,
complex< double >  n0,
complex< double >  n3,
complex< double >  np,
double  pad,
Vector< complex< double > >  incident,
string  pol = "TE" 
) [inherited]

set various parameters in grating needed for the calculations

Set various parameters that are needed for the calculations in bulk. This function only changes the parameters for the grating and not for each layer.

theta the incident angle in degrees
lambda the incident wavelength in vacuum
size the grating size
n0 the refractive index of region 1, the halfspace of the incident and reflected light
n3 the refractive index of region 3, the halfspace of the transmitted light
np the refractive index of the padding
pad the size of the padding
incident Vector containing the spatial Fourier orders of the incident light
pol the polarisation ("TE" or "TM")

Definition at line 220 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::calcGamma(), Grating1D::gratingSize, Grating1D::setIncid(), Grating1D::setLambda(), Grating1D::setN0(), Grating1D::setN3(), Grating1D::setNPad(), Grating1D::setPadding(), Grating1D::setPeriod(), Grating1D::setPolMode(), and Grating1D::setTheta().

Referenced by Grating1D::addFrame(), Grating1D::initLayers(), Grating1D::setnPermSegs(), and Grating1D::setPadding().

void Grating1D::solve ( string  method  )  [inherited]

solve the grating after having solved the eigenvalue equations of each layer

Calls the necessary functions to solve the boundary conditions of the system. Before using it each layer must be solved.

method "S" or "T": solve with the S- or T-Matrix algorithm

Definition at line 448 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::F, Grating1D::findEfficiencyS(), Grating1D::findEfficiencyT(), Grating1D::G, Grating1D::lhsMatBand, Grating1D::nLayers, Grating1D::nUnknowns, Grating1D::Q1, Grating1D::Q2, Grating1D::R, Grating1D::R_tilde, Grating1D::rhsVec, Grating1D::setEquations(), Grating1D::setSMatrix(), Grating1D::solVec, Grating1D::solveEquations(), Grating1D::T, Grating1D::T_tilde, and Grating1D::tau.

void Grating1D::writeField ( string  file  )  [inherited]

write the Field amplitudes to a file

file path to filename to which is written

Definition at line 1030 of file Grating1D.cpp.

References Grating1D::dimX, Grating1D::dimY, and Grating1D::fieldAmplitude.

void Grating1D::writeParameters ( string  filename  )  [inherited]

Grating1D::~Grating (  )  [inherited]


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